Pregnancy is an incredibly exciting time, but the large changes to our bodies doesn’t leave all of us glowing. Our ligaments soften and become more flexible, our blood volume can double, there are a lot of shifts that happen internally to accommodate our growing baby - and our centre of gravity shifts forwards, significantly changing the stress and forces that our joints, muscles and tissues take on. The result is that many women experience low energy levels, tire easily, find it difficult to concentrate or get comfortable, and experience a range of pains, particularly in the back, pelvis, feet and legs.
What we support
– Pregnancy aches and pains
– Low energy
– Difficulty concentrating
– General comfort
– Can create space for the growing baby
– Pregnancy reflux
– Historical injuries
– Help baby get into the right position for birth
– Optimise pelvic balance
– Help prepare your body for birth
Our technique
During pregnancy our bodies produce hormones that soften ligaments, and we become more flexible. Our gentle approach using cranial sacral, balanced ligamentous tension and aritulation techniques works with your changing body, helping to relieve aches and pains, increase energy and assisting your body to adapt and change as your baby grows.
1st trimester
During the first trimester there is potential for morning sickness. Osteopathic treatment helps balance hormones and nerve supply to the gut, helping women to feel better during this period. We can help create more space for the growing baby. We can advise on supplements and dietary requirements.
2nd trimester
In the second trimester of your pregnancy, we work with the developing baby and the huge changes to your body, which often highlight old injuries. Also reflux often occurs at this time due to reduced space, which we can ease through our gentle treatments.
3rd trimester
Osteopathic treatment in the third trimester optimises pelvic balance for the birthing position and creates more space for the growing baby. It improves blood supply to the placenta and relaxes tensions around the womb, supporting the body to be ready for delivery.